Skills Build



Billionaire Moms, works with employers to ensure a skilled workforce by coordinating programs as well as providing resources for those seeking careers to change direction on an effective career path leading towards family-sustaining wages and jobs of the future. 


Even with unemployment rates at historic lows, over 6 million American remain out of work. The barriers to employment are complex. Even among those who are working, many struggle to earn family sustaining wages. These challenges expose workers, families, and communities across our nation to instability and hardship. Meanwhile, employers and industry sectors struggle to find the talent they need to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving global economy.


By partnering with IBM, Billionaire Moms helps minority mom job seekers gain foundational skills to help you prepare for an entry-level job in tech, while earning credentials and getting guidance from technology experts. All at no cost.


With IBM SkillsBuild for Job Seekers, you’ll gain core technology and important workplace skills like: leadership skills, communication skills, programming skills, problem solving skills, and/or writing skills that are aligned to in-demand jobs. Plus, you can earn digital credentials to show employers what you’ve achieved.